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I’ve been EXTRA teasy with my pussy lately and although this isn’t a reveal, I think you’ll appreciate the posing and the cute g-string I am rocking.
The only thing I am wearing in this set are my panties. My hair is naturally straight + I’m wearing very minimal makeup.
But you won’t notice that anyways since my ass and my pussy are both pressed against my see through chair 😏 That’s right, majority of these photos are taken from under the chair and/or on a small angle.
Even my feet people will appreciate 3 specific photos, but don’t worry to everyone else… it’s still catered to you too.
🎄🎅🏻 Happy Christmas Eve Everyone! 🎅🏻🎄 I’m super excited for tomorrow’s release 🙈 There is literally nervous butterflies in my stomach right now 😅 It is going to be higher priced but it’s because it’s the first time I’ve done something like this!